Windows 11 Needs Taskbar Ungrouping, Also it Needs It Now
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 11 is now live with lots of improvements, but on the other hand, it also needs further polishing, specifically for the features that Microsoft has introduced new in this operating-system.

The taskbar, for example, features a new approach which has all of the icons centered, with the Start menu also realigned based on a concept originally implemented in Windows 10X.

Only one feature that's missing from the taskbar is support for ungrouping app icons and show labels, something that users really don't seem to be in a position to do without.

Combining the app icons around the taskbar

Inside a post around the Feedback Hub, which has already received over 11,000 upvotes, users explain Windows 11 shouldn't always combine app icons, because this significantly affects their productivity.

"I would like to submit my disappointment that Windows 11 has killed Taskbar Button ungrouping, an important multitasking feature many people use - very limiting that there is no built in choice to disable grouping and examine multiple windows from the same app in the Taskbar. For this reason I will NOT recommend upgrading anyone in my organization," someone says in a comment.

"Really hope this comes back. Windows 11 is way less productive because of the quantity of apps and windows of the same apps I stumble upon multiple displays," another user adds.

At this time, there's not really an answer from Microsoft, so clearly, if such a feature ever makes its way back to Windows, the whole thing is not likely to occur overnight.

The rollout of Windows 11 takes place in stages, with Microsoft using this release model to make sure bugs don't affect a substantial quantity of devices. However, the company expects the rollout of Windows 11 to be performed by summer time of 2022, so the event will probably be accelerated once most bugs are ironed out.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 349
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 21 آبان 1400 | نظرات ()
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